
These are steps, which if taken, may help recovery of the bodies abilities to utilise it’s elegant recovery mechanisms, to an elite level, relative to that which constrains us (age, history…).

1. First, the cornerstone for me:

Studies have shown, that Omega3 in various forms (Here is just a few days of searching the published medical papers for Flax), has a juggernaut of healing potential based in and around it.

My day, usually starts with 125g of Kefir Quark (called Kefir Protein in both Waitrose and M&S), blended with 62.5g of super fresh (very important as we’re dealing with Oxidation here) Flaxoil.

Above Picture, is when the Flaxoil is high lignan, if not the high lignan oil; then to be an official Budwig Breakfast, it should have freshly blended flax seeds.

This is blended with a hand blender, or whisk. Then I eat one spoonful alone, before having the rest with low glycemic fruit (Strawberries are my youngest daughters choice, Raspberries my eldest). Sometimes (almost always), I also have with this Planet Organic Paleo Vegan Granola:

Though this is not strictly Budwig kosher, if issues with Cancer or major illness I would not have this element personally.

This above step 1 is my absolute cornerstone with regards to fat metabolism, and protein intake, the sulfur rich proteins in the Kefir Quark has a natural affinity with the Flaxoil, which when blended make them water soluble, emulsify it to give a huge surface area, relative to having it just as an oil, a gestalt food where the sum exceeds the constituents hugely.

This is the foundation of Johanna Budwig’s research (the blend, forget the Granola), which she reported is the best was to re-ignite the Cell walls ability to take and carry Oxygen = Prevention of (or recovery from) Respiratory Acidosis.

2. Green Smoothies – This is a two form deal. Firstly, to explain; the greens in leaves n vegetables etc. Are very rich in Chlorophylls, the centre of which is Magnesium:

So, as we can see, as well as the Magnesium boost you get, you also get a pre-constructed shell your body can use to apply Iron and you have Hemoglobin, then you have the folates, the VitaminK (which microbes in your body may convert to K2 if you eat correctly) and on and on.

When studying diet types, it became clear that green smoothies, with some oil as much of the goodness is fat soluble, creates a sensational dynamic for our Liver/Pancreas/Digestion/Well-Being.

How many of us can truly say we eat enough greens?

So, at least once a day, lately, I am trying to have the following:

1/3-1/4 Bag of Organic mixed leaves (M&S is my choice here)
1/3 Cucumber
1/3 Avocado
1 Tsp of Norwegian Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum)
1 TBSP Flaxoil or Cold Pressed Organic Olive Oil
1 Small pinch of Epsom Salts
1 Tsp of Limewater or Calcium powder (I favour Min-Col, or, Cal II)
1 Handful of low Glycemic Fruit (Cherries today, very nice)
1 1/4 Lemon juice

Fill almost to top with clean water (I’ve got a distiller, but otherwise I like Evian, or Buxton is low Nitrate, Volvic is Silica rich and good if you have memory concerns), blend, and drink.

If no Lemon to hand, Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw with Mother, is an OK substitute, but Lemon is best IMO.

(Reams said the leaves and Olive Oil creates a gelatinous like substance to help lubricate our bowels, he advocated only a salad with olive oil for dinner, low late day protein to rest the body/liver/digestion and set yourself up for the following day, but this is a tough lifestyle adjustment to make, but dovetails research showing the autonomic nervous system needs to direct it’s juice to the Adrenals, key time 11pm-1am I believe, so it must be best to finish digesting proteins which take considerable oxygen, so it may direct it at your innate rest and repair cycles, such as recovering the adrenals, crucial in todays high processed, high refined, world)

3. Moreless Alkalising Drink:

1TBSP Limewater (This is Pickling Lime, but not sold in UK so make my own*)
1 TSP of Raw Honey (Organic, away from high pesticide areas), otherwise Unsulphured Molasses
3 TBSP Norwegian Kelp Powder
1 TBSP Apple Pectin
1/2 Cup Water
1/2 Juice Fresh Lemon
1 Pinch Epsom Salts

* This is made from Calcium Hydroxide, please understand not the powder itself, learn the method carefully, if not I have used Min-Col, Call II from Daily Manufacturing which are based on Reams teachings. Be Careful with Calcium!

Mix well, usually I mix this, except the lemon, leave it for an hour or two for the kelp and honey/molasses to fully mix easily, then juice in the lemon when I am to start sipping it. This is a high alkaline, and it is designed to be sipped upon hourly, to prop up your body (it’s well shown that most yeasts/viruses/bacteria/fungus of harmful nature are attracted to, and thrive, in more acidic terrain, mine runs acidic, my daughters when tested does, so this scales up as I see any of the multitude of signs for heightened acidity, in myself or my Girls, though my youngest rejects the Kelp as Yucky, but is fine with it without).

This above Alkaline mix, is the foundation of work, based upon studies of Biological Ionisation, which averts or prevents bodies which flirt with Metabolic Acidosis, Moreless would repeatedly say listen to your body and adjust up/down each ingredient, he rightly for his biochemistry expounded the virtues of all the trace minerals in Molasses, but I cannot tolerate that energetically so I use high, high quality raw organic honey, just enough to carry the Calciums and give a live Carbon bond to the otherwise slightly toxic hydroxide.

These are my foundations of well-being, on top of this, I try to eat as much fresh vegetables as I can. If we get to the stage that we are eating 50% raw fruit and vegetables (mainly veg, and low glycemic fruits), then we are giving such a rest to our Liver.

The above is a large part of the cornerstone of a diet, which if applied correctly, may help almost any illness, it is the foundational elements that the degradation of soil vitality and increasingly denatured living deprive us.

To be continued…

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