Oxygen ~ Sugar ~ Nitrogen

Many years ago a compelling fascination manifested within, to seek foundational truth in facets of the human experience.

Otto Warburg, researched the etymology of Tumour formation in Cancer, Winning the 1931 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine. His profound research showed that Cancer is fuelled by a low Oxygen environment, where cells switch to Anaerobic respiration, from the normal Aerobic state (switching to sugar from Oxygen to preserve their life). This he found was the basis of Tumour formation.

Johanna Budwig, some years later, taking on Warburgs’ studies as a foundational point of reference, found that when the body’s cells lose 25% of their Oxygen perspiration ability, the terrain becomes such that tumour formation may follow. Budwig was the German Governments head of lipid research, a Laboratory Scientist not a Medical Doctor at that time. Budwig found that Flaxoil blended with Cottage Cheese/Quark was the optimal method of restoring Cellular function back the it’s Aerobic state, stating that the 18 Carbon Chain PUFAs of Flax to be the richest source of surplus Electrons.

Budwigs mixture was often referred to as a means of Oxygenating the blood.

Budwig began to apply her knowledge to those of stage 4 Cancers who Medicine had failed, miraculously bringing 10,000’s away from deaths door, with the application of some basic dietary changes. Budwig found herself on litigation charges repeatedly, for practicing medicine without license, she successfully defended her cases, eventually taking the decision to become Medically certified to avert such complications from the medical industrial complex.

Budwig also found the emotional aspect of Cancer to be profoundly important, stating the person must wish to be alive for any such change to work. She cited a case where a young boy was profoundly unwell, after his mother had passed, when her associates questioned the boy on his eating, he stated that when his step mother fed him breakfast, it tasted bad and made him feel unwell, yet the same food was given that his Mother had previously prepared him. The associates had dismissed this claim, however Budwig said it should not be, that previously it was found that his mother made the food for her child with love, the step mother with resentment or lack of care, showing the profound psychological nature of the human condition.

At a similar time to Budwig, Carey Reams was developing a method of returning the human body to energetic function, via testing the biological state of the person. Reams was no expert on Lipids, his expertise was in nurturing foods to yield optimal nutrition, via analysis of soil and crop, Biological farming. From Reams book a hugely important understanding was gleaned that Sugar and Oxygen share the same space in blood. This is a foundational aspect of diabetes and many other ailments to good health, sugar going high will always push the space for Oxygen down (hence the proven links between Psychosis and uncontrolled escalated sugars. Reams was fond of citing his Prize Watermelon, which won best in Category in a farmers fair two years running (the very same Watermelon, a year later was still the best! Because his High Brix, nutrient dense methodology, meant that his produce would simply very slowly petrify from loss of water, not rot).

Reams was drawn into a parallel form of human health to Budwig by a local Child, whose parents came to him as traditional medicinal doctors had failed to cure his illness and given up on him. Reams stated that he spent 3days in deep meditation and fasting, focused solely on what he may do to help the child, after 3days he came to an understanding of using his tools for soil and crop analysis to test multiple factors within the human body and use these readings to form a basis of what is optimal and what needs addressing to bring those biological markers back into a healthful state. Exactly like Budwig, Reams became a local phenomenon where 2 local Hospitals would send their lost cause cases to him. Almost identical to Budwig, he stabilised 10,000’s of people in the following years, leading to being taken to court for practicing medicine without license. Reams defended his cases by stating he was not practicing medicine (he had 2 Doctorates but chose to not become an AMA Dr instead maintained independence), he was analysing factors in the human body which were not needing a second optinion, biological markers, hence there was no need for a second opinion.

Back to the topic, when learning of Reams work, from those who had learned from Reams chiefly, the topic of Nitrogen came into focus. A crop consultant of Reams style, would repeatedly talk of NPN, or “Funny Proteins” as he would describe them.

Non-Protein Nitrogen, he would describe as plant proteins, which exist in under ripe or poorly developed plants, fruits, vegetables. This is immature proteins which were yet to fully synthesise their full animo acid chains, due to poor soil conditions and/or chiefly from being harvested under ripe. These crops, he stated repeatedly, yielded excessive Nitrogen within them, leading to Nitrite (potential) toxicity.

To explain this to those who lack the scientific background in Crop/Human Bio-Chemistry, he would explain that these poor crops lead to the body up taking excess Nitrogen, in the form of Nitrite, which is a chief player in lowered Oxygen status within the body. He would explain how plants yield Haemoglobin supportive substances (especially green leafy) such as Chlorophyll which is Magnesium at it’s centre, surrounded by a shell which is virtually chemically identical to Haemoglobin, so the body may use this readily to create this Heme with Magnesium being replaced by Iron (simple body alchemy), the Magnesium may then be used in ATP production (pertinent to this dynamic). The Haemoglobin is that which allows Oxygen to bind to it within the Bloodstream, and carry it into tissue, conversely, Methaemoglobin is it’s Oxygen uptake antagonised state (Fe3+ Ferric once Oxidised becomes Methemoglobin Vs Fe2+ Ferrous where normal Haemoglobin) the Iron is oxidised it becomes compromised.

Cursory research of the scientific literature, shows that issues with Methaemoglobin, induces Oxygen desaturation, Cyanosis, and is often Nitrogen driven (this is why Nitrogen levels in drinking water are controlled, though many companies sell mineral/spring water with levels way above that which is healthful).


The blood of those with good Oxygen saturation may be bright red, those with high Methaemoglobin may show blood which is brown with blueness. Showing this state in action. The blueness aspect is how humans may externally show that there is imbalance, blue lips, around the eyes blueness and brown circles.


Sadly, although they existed and were active research (and application of findings) Scientists at the very same timeframes, to my knowledge Reams and Budwig never communicated, though it seems certain Budwig was aware of Reams and talked of how “those who advocate Olive Oil are very unhelpful”, talking of this dynamic. Reams advocated light dinners of Salad with Olive Oil (showing his inferior understanding of lipid dynamics) to allow the digestion rest and ready itself for the following day, no protein rich foods later as the digestion of these uses more Oxygen, leaving potentially less as we sleep if the digestion is unfinished, circadian rhythm shows that the adrenals long for oxygen to repair and replenish from 11pm-1am giving credence to this thinking.

Conversely, Budwig lacked the deeper understanding of plant matter that Reams had, how high nutrient density played such a crucial role in that very same function of optimal Oxygen conductance and uptake in the human body. Both geniuses of which I am hardly qualified to talk of, let alone critique, so please know it is just a longing for the fuller picture to emerge from science which draws out these words, not negativity to either giant of nutritional healing.

So, it is easy to see, the inherent pitfalls of many modern techniques for returning to well being, given the excessive saturation of poor crops on the vegetable side, lacking nutrient density, being farmed for high yield, early, to allow cheap Supermarket produce which we all see is often rotting by the time you get them home. Likewise meats grown on these poor crops/lands, which pushes their tissue Oxygen saturations lower and heightens their Nitrate status for the consumer. On the lipid side, Flaxoil in most shops are not vitally fresh, seeds are old and pre-ground when Budwig said they should be fresh ground, soo much of our produce is coated in Oxygen antagonistic lipids.

Free Electrons. Budwig may have been on to something???

When it is discussed “who would your dream dinner party guests be” Reams and Budwig are always two of mine, if only they could have been locked in a room together for a few days, a broader pioneering truth would surely have emerged.

In Edit. Position Notes : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen%E2%80%93hemoglobin_dissociation_curve




Grace Russell,1 *Alexander Nenov,2 John T. Hancock1
1. Department of Applied Sciences, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
2. Water Fuel Engineering, Liquorice Way, Pontefract, UK
*Correspondence to Grace2.Russell@live.uwe.ac.uk
Disclosure: Dr Nenov is a board member of Water Fuel Engineering. The remaining authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
Received: 03.02.21
Accepted: 16.03.21


Oxy-hydrogen gas (HHO) is a gaseous mixture of molecular hydrogen and molecular oxygen that is generated by the electrolysis of water and delivered in a 2:1 ratio (66% and 33%, respectively) through the use of noninvasive inhalation devices such as nasal cannulas or nebulisers. Although there is a paucity of scientific evidence supporting this new and emerging therapy, initial investigations indicate that HHO proffers cytoprotective qualities, typically by reducing oxidative stress and attenuating the inflammatory response. These aspects are particularly favourable when considering respiratory medicine because underlying inflammation is known to drive the pathological progress of numerous respiratory conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, and, pertinently, coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Direct delivery to the lung parenchyma is also likely to increase the effectiveness of this emerging medical therapy.

This narrative review aims to delineate how this particular combination of gases can affect cellular processes at the molecular level by focussing on the evolutionary requirement for both oxygen and hydrogen. Furthermore, the authors assess the current available data for the safety and efficacy of HHO in a clinical setting.

Source : https://www.emjreviews.com/respiratory/article/oxy-hydrogen-gas-the-rationale-behind-its-use-as-a-novel-and-sustainable-treatment-for-covid-19-and-other-respiratory-diseases/

ChooseLife : We have a nebuliser and use it now and again, with 1% or so H2O2, but personally think small sips of Milk of Magnesia (pH 11.5) to coat the throat, bring the pH up and let the body start healing itself is best (the Magnesium is shown to loosen sticky mucous), though I am positive towards this research.

The Interview of Dr Johanna Budwig Omega 3 Lady

Interview by Lothar Hirneise

Lothar Hirneise: What is your fundamental research?

Dr Johanna Budwig: In 1950, I developed Paper Chromatography of fats. With this technique for first time fats, fatty acids and lipoproteins could be detected directly even in 0.1 ml of blood. Using Co 60 I was successful in producing the first differential reaction for fatty acids, and via radioiodine producing the first direct iodine value. I also developed control of atmosphere in closed system by using gas systems which act as antioxidants. Coloring, separating effects of fats and fatty acids were further developed. Behavior was studied in blue light, red light with fluorescent dyes.

I studied the electrical behavior of the unsaturated fatty acids with their “halo” using dyes with rhodamine red. With this technique I proved that electron rich highly unsaturated Linoleic and Linolenic fatty acids (found abundantly in flax oil) are the undiscovered decisive fats in respiratory enzyme function that Otto Warburg could not find. I studied the electromotoric function of pi-electrons of the linolenic acid in the cell membranes, for all nerve function, secretions, mitosis, as well as cell breakdown. I also examined the synergism of the sulfur containing protein with the Pi-electrons of the highly unsaturated fatty acids and their significance for the formation of the hydrogen bridge between fat and protein, which represent “the only path” for fast and focused transport of electrons during respiration.

This immediately caused a furor. Cancer problem was brought in. Hydrogenated fats, which includes all Trans fatty acids proved to be respiratory poisons. This was extensively published in 1950 in many journals including “New Directions in Fat Research.”

Lothar Hirneise: What is the prime cause of Cancer?

Dr Johanna Budwig: In 1928 Dr. Otto Warburg proved that all normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous. Dr. Otto Warburg has made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency in the cells, which creates an acidic state in the human body.

He also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen), get the energy by fermenting glucose producing lactic acid and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Long back in 1911 Swedish scientist Torsten Thunberg postulated that sulfur containing protein (found in cottage cheese) and some unknown fat is required to attract oxygen in the cell. This fat plays a major role in the cellular respiration. For nearly half century scientists were trying to identify this unknown and mysterious fat but nobody succeeded.

Lothar Hirneise: How did you develop cancer therapy which is called Budwig Protocol?

Dr Johanna Budwig: During my research I found that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients was deficient in these unsaturated omega-3 fats (Linoleic and Linolenic fatty acids), lipoproteins, phosphatides, and hemoglobin. In addition, I noticed that cancer patients had a strange greenish-yellow substance in their blood that I could not find in the blood of healthy people. Then I wanted to develop healing program for cancer.

So I decided to straight waygo for human trials and started to give flax oil and cottage cheese to the cancer patients from four big hospitals in Münster. After just three months, patients began to improve in health and strength, the yellow green substance in their blood began to disappear, tumors gradually receded and at the same time as the nutrients began to rise. Thus I had a cure for cancer. It was a great victory and the first milestone in the battle against cancer. My treatment is based on the consumption of flax seed oil with low fat cottage cheese, raw organic diet, detoxification, mild exercise, flax oil massage and the healing powers of the sun. I have treated approx. 2500 cancer patients during last few decades. Prof. Halme of surgery clinic in Helsinki used to keep records of my patients. According to him my success was over 90% and this was achieved in cases where allopathy failed.

Lothar Hirneise: Can you tell us more about the unsaturated fatty acids and their net-like connections?

Dr. Johanna Budwig: Fatty acid is a carboxylic acid having unbranched chain of 4 to 28 carbons. The saturated fatty acids have primarily short carbon chains. In butter, coconut fat, goat fat and sheep fat the fatty acids consists of 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 carbons, are saturated, however they are also easily co-combustible if the essential fatty acids are present. The unsaturated vital fatty acids really start with the chain with 18 carbon compounds. There are also fatty acids with up to 30 links. Fatty acids with 18 links, like in flax oil with the higher level of unsaturation, are more important for human, particularly for the brain functions of man. Linoleic acid rich in electrons is considered vital. There is a particularly high amount of energy in this double double bond of the linoleic acid.
This energy wanders and is not fixed in place as it is with a chemical compound, such as with table salt. This energy, wandering between electrons and the positively charged protein with sulfur groups is an alternating association process in the electromagnetic field. This is very important. Perhaps you are familiar with the painting of Michelangelo, where God creates Adam (two fingers pointing to each other, however they do not touch). This is quantum physics, the fingers do not touch. The physicists who I know, Max Planck, or Albert Einstein, or Dessauer all represent the view that man is created by God in His image. You see in being together as human beings there is certainly also a connection without directly touching the other person. The dipolarity with a single double bond in olive oil is weaker than it is in sunflower seed oil, which is has two double bonds.

This double double bond is considered to be vital for man. However if the same chain length of 18 carbons has three unsaturated fatty acid compounds, then the electrical energy is as strong as a magnet. This electronic energy is negatively charged. The positively charged sulfur groups of the protein adhere in the unsaturated bonds where the electrons are and that is where they insert their sulfur-containing compounds.

This produces the lipoproteins. The life process is sustained in the interplay between the positively-charged particles and negatively-charged particles. In this process there is no connection, and this is our life element. If radical damage occurs at this point through fatty acids that has lost electron energy, but rather are cross-linked like a net, then the dipolarity can no longer work actively in this net. This is the deadly effect of radicals, because instead of the chains with the electron clouds they interlace a net without electron clouds, indeed with unsaturated bonds, but without dipolarity. I quickly knew that the triple unsaturated fatty acids, which were called linolenic acid, and which no one had isolated before me, had 18 links and that they did not always carry their double bonds at the same point. They have such a strong electronic energy compared to the heavier matter in the 18-link fatty acid chains, that biologically this energy is far greater than it is with the next arachidonic acid with 20 links. The highest electron collection is with the combination of linoleic-linolenic fatty acids in flax oil. The linolenic acid as conjugated (interaction of neighboring double bonds in the molecule that are separated by a single bond) fatty acid is even more effective and is even more strongly interplay with linoleic acid as it is present in the flax oil for oxygen absorption. This was relatively easy for me to verify in my experiments. I would like to emphasize this. The combination of double unsaturated linoleic acid with triple unsaturated linolenic acid is particularly well-combined in flaxseed.

Lothar Hirneise: Is it this energy that heals cancer?

Dr. Johanna Budwig:
 Yes, this energy is now movable and it is easily released. It is precisely this energy that heals cancer, or does not even allow it to occur. If this vital element is present then no tumor can exist. This vital element is a deciding factor in the immune system. There is no effective factor in the immune system other than the essential fatty acids.

Lothar Hirneise: What is an electron cloud?

Dr Johanna Budwig:
 If the enhancement of electronic energy is always higher through absorption of sun photons in the unsaturated fatty acids e.g. in linolenic fatty acids, then the power of the electrons is so high in the dipolarity in between gravity and electrons, that they lifts off of the heavy mass and floats like a cloud hence I called them electron cloud.

Lothar Hirneise: What is the significance of the cloud?

Dr. Johanna Budwig:
 No life form has as much energy to store the electrons and photons as does man. The electronic energy stored particularly in the vital, highly unsaturated fatty acids, is very strong life element for man. Man cannot live without them. If oils are treated with heat and harsh chemicals (during refining and hydrogenation process to increase their shelf life) then the wealth of vital electronic energy is destroyed and Trans fats are formed with net like connections. They are no longer vital fats with 18 links, but rather they form cross-links between the fatty acids like a large net, and are highly damaging to our body, do not adhare with proteins, do not attract oxygen and act like a radicals. I repeat because it is so important: I have detected particles in oils treated with steam, which indeed have a positive iodine value, but which are highly toxic for man.

Lothar Hirneise: So you preach against these toxic hydrogenated and refined oils?

Dr. Johanna Budwig:
 I am completely against using these “pseudo” fats – “hydrogenated”, “partially hydrogenated”. These are the biggest enemy of mankind. I had scientific proofs. The heart rejects these fats and they are deposited as inorganic fat on the heart muscle itself. They end up blocking circulation, damage heart action, inhibit cell renewal and impede the free flow of blood and lymph fluids.

But it was highly profitable business for multinationals. When I preached against these fats, they stood against me, first they tried to give me hush money and when I refused they filed many fake court cases against me. I was working for humanity and had scientific proof.I was like rock of Gibraltar in my decision; I fought and won all the cases ultimately.

Lothar Hirneise: What is mysterious marriage of sun and moon in terms of quantum physics?

Dr. Johanna Budwig:
 The photon, the quantum, is the smallest component of the sunlight. It is the fastest moving traveler, it speeds along with time. The photon is always in motion. Nothing can ever halt its motion. The photon is full of all colors, and can change its color and its frequency. The photon is the purest form of energy, the purest wave, can unite with a second photon when it is in resonance with the other, to form a “short-lived particle.” This particle, known as a p0 particle, can break up into two photons again, without mass, as a pure wave in motion. This is the basis for the wonderful back and forth movement between light and matter. The photon can never be pinned down to one location. This is the foundation for the Theory of Relativity.

This very active, dynamic and energetic photon can be captured by electron that are in resonance with the photon. What does that mean? Electrons are already a component of matter. They are also continuously in motion. They constantly oscillate on their own wavelength. They have their own frequency, just like a radio receiver that is set to a specific wavelength.

The electron loves photons. It attracts photons by its magnetic field. When an electrical charge moves, it always produces a magnetic field. The moving photon also has a magnetic field. Both fields attract each other when the wavelengths are in tune. The wave length of the photon – which the photon can change – must fit into the wavelength of the orbiting electron so that the orbit maintains a complete wavelength. This is eternal love between sun-god, photons and moon-goddess, electrons, this is the mysterious marriage of the sun and moon in terms of modern science.This feature is extremely interesting in terms of its physical manifesta­tion, its biological and even its philosophical consequences. All matter has its own inherent vibration. Of course, this also applies to living substances. The energy which is being absorbed must correspond to the inherent wavelength.

The sun rays are very much in harmony with humans. It is no coincidence that we love the sun. The resonance in our biological tissue is so strongly tuned to the absorption of solar energy that there is nothing on earth that has a higher concentration of solar energy photons than humans. This enrichment with solar energy depends strongly on the “like energy” aspects, a wavelength that is compatible with humans, and this is supported when we eat foods that have electrons with electromagnetic fields that attract the photons of the sun. An abundance of these electrons, which are tuned to the solar energy frequency, exist, in many seed-oils. Scientifically these oils have even been designated as electron-rich, “essential,” highly unsaturated fats. But when we began processing fats to increase the shelf life, nobody thought about the significance that this would have for the survival and the further development of the human species. We destroyed their extremely important wealth of electrons, which are very mobile and react so wonderfully to sunlight.

Lothar Hirneise: What is the concept of “human” and “anti-human” in terms of quantum physics?

Dr. Johanna Budwig:
 It is interesting that in the science of quantum physics the concept of “human” has already been coined. It is “human”, with the highest accumulation of photons, always striving toward the future, who possesses within himself the highest potency of solar energy on the earth. The physicists project from mathematical equations that man, with his wealth of electrons, is directed forwards future in time.

Using mathematical equations that are valid in physics, reversing the time quotient represents the mirror image of man — the “anti-human,” whereas “man” represents the picture of highest rank in terms of physics, i.e. directed against entropy. The “anti-human” is directed back in time. The “anti-human” possesses few solar energy photons, in physical terms electron-poor, directed into the past — also in his thinking — is paralyzed in his life functions, lacks energy and strength because he is missing the electrons that are in harmony with the sun as “life-element.”

The physical processes which are generated through the use of X-rays, gamma rays, atom bombs, or cobalt radiation, are pointed in the same direction as the development toward the “anti-human,” from the perspective of physics and mathematics. The electron structure of the life functions is destroyed by these rays. According to the so-called “World Line” and the Theory of Relativity of modern physics, time and space are connected together in one equation.
It is very interesting to investigate our food from this perspective. Fats that have had their electron structure destroyed to make them keep longerpromote the development of the “anti-human”and have a very detrimental effect on the future-directed, electron-rich human being, according to the “World Line diagram.” They disturb the electron exchange within living tissue because they, like tar, act as insulators against electrical conductivity, plainly deaden the life functions at the respective operative locations, e.g. in organs, and in growth centers of the body, as well as throughout the whole body. They also promotes cancer.

On the other hand, electron-rich nutrition, electron-rich highly unsaturated oils,herbs and fruits which are rich in aromatics and natural color components that correspond to the colors of the photon s of sunlight — all these increase the absorption, storage and utilization of the sun’s energy.

Lothar Hirneise: What is your view point about surgery for tumors?

Dr. Johanna Budwig:
 I am totally against radiation and chemo; I also reject hormonal treatment. Surgery must be considered individually. I am not a proponent of quickly making artificial anus. Conventional oncology no longer does justice to the cancer patients.

Lothar Hirneise: You also studied medicine at the age of 47 years.

Dr. Johanna Budwig:
 (smiling) Yes handsome! That’s right, my opponents were accusing me that how can I treat cancer patient without doctors degree. This thing pinched me, so in 1955,I joined medical school in Göttingen. There I was using my therapy very successfully in various clinics. I still remember the time I was working late one night in Göttingen, a woman came to me, with her small child whose arm was supposed to be amputated due to a tumor. I treated her and soon the subject of amputation was dismissed and the child quickly did very well.

Because I was still a medical student at this time, I was summoned to appear before the Municipal Court due to a petition that I should be prohibited from studying medicine. I explained the truth in the court. The judge rejected the case and said, “You have done a good job. In my area of jurisdiction nothing will happen to you. If it does there will be a scandal in the scientificcommunity.”

Lothar Hirneise: What do you recommend for prevention of cancer?

Dr. Johanna Budwig:
 Only flax oil as oil. I reject frozen and preserved meat. Fresh meat is OK. No frozen food and no bakery products. Oleolux should be used as butter. Prepare fruit juices yourself. Cheese and potatoes are OK. Also the electromagnetic environment (e.g. microwave and mobile phones etc.) in which we live is very important. I reject synthetic textiles and foam mattresses because they steal lot of forces from you. A lot of wood in home construction and woolen or silk carpets are also important. Wear gemstones, they also have good biological radiation. The environment and living conditions must be as biological (organic & natural) as possible. Regular sleep is very important.

Bill Munro Vs The Coronavirus

Bill brought inhalation of H2O2 to the publics attention, he used it 5-6 pumps, 6 or 7x a day. To keep his Oxygen levels high, to keep the Viruses out, which come when Oxygen is down.

This was something I tried many years ago, but didn’t feel a direct or urgent need to do, so put it into my memory locker.

However, after studying this new Viral Epidemic which increasingly surrounds us, I pulled the information back to my short term memory to mix with the pH principles I had been reflecting on.

My daughter has suffered from Chronic Lung Disease as a result of being born at 24weeks gestation, so Oxygen and Viral susceptibility has been something I am used to reflecting deeply upon.

Anyway, the data shows that if you are of a lower pH, this virus group (Corona) is 10x more forceful and you are 10x more susceptible (at a pH of 6 Vs 7), so after ensuring I got my diet plans and supplements into order, I began to reflect over and over how else I can best prepare.

This is when Bill Munro came back to my mind, so I ordered 2x Nasal Vaporiser’s for about £3, and I decided that I would start taking a similar number of rounds of H2O2 as Bill did, but diluted to 1.5% with 50% Distilled water and 50% Food Grade H2O3 at 3%.

The literature for killing the Virus shows that 0.5% H2O2 kills the virus in 1 Minute, so 1.5% should be effective in 20 Seconds or thereabouts. So, to my unqualified mind, this leads me to presume that several rounds of this daily may safeguard me against this threat, if not preventing it from entering my airways entirely, then at least killing it off 5-6 times a day, minimising the intensity of the infection as best I may.

When I have talked of this method to others, peoples minds immediately seem to jump to “you are swallowing bleach”, with a shocked reaction, yet I explain that this is simply water with an extra Oxygen molecule attached, which people regularly treat their teeth with at 7% some 450% stronger than I am using. People seem to not bat an eyelid at using 4.5x stronger bleach for their teeth and vanity, yet to stave of seemingly very harsh virus people react like I am the crazy one!

This method along with Alkalising my terrain via diet and supplements are the best methods I have encountered to protect myself against this horrid viral outbreak.

If the outbreak worsens in the UK, I am intending to upgrade to the full 3%

Thank you Bill.

Evidence of Increased Oxidative Stress in Aged Mesenteric Lymphatic Vessels

Authors – Sangeetha Thangaswamy, Eric A. Bridenbaugh and Anatoliy A. Gashev



We have previously shown that aging is associated with weakened rat mesenteric lymphatic vessel (MLV) contractility. However, the specific mechanisms contributing to this aging-associated contractile degeneration remain unknown. Aging is often associated with elevations in oxidative stress, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been shown to reduce the contractility of MLV. Thus in the present study, we sought to assess whether aging is associated with increased levels of oxidative stress and oxidative damage in MLV.

Methods and Results

MLV were isolated from 9-mo- and 24-mo-old Fischer-344 rats and subjected to the following experimental techniques: measurement of total superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity; estimation of lipid peroxidation levels via measurement of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS); detection of superoxide and mitochondrial ROS in live MLV; Western blot analysis, and immunohistochemical labeling of the SOD isoforms and nitro-tyrosine proteins. We found that aging is associated with increased levels of cellular superoxide and mitochondrial ROS concomitant with a reduction in Cu/Zn-SOD protein expression and total SOD enzymatic activity in MLV. This increase in oxidative stress and decrease in antioxidant activity was associated with evidence of increased lipid (as indicated by TBARS) and protein (as indicated by nitro-tyrosine labeling) oxidative damage.


Thus for the first time, we demonstrate that aging-associated increases in oxidative stress and oxidative damage is indeed present in the walls of MLV and may contribute to the aging-associated lymphatic pump dysfunction we previously reported.

Full Paper : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3378181/