Oxygen ~ Sugar ~ Nitrogen

Many years ago a compelling fascination manifested within, to seek foundational truth in facets of the human experience.

Otto Warburg, researched the etymology of Tumour formation in Cancer, Winning the 1931 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine. His profound research showed that Cancer is fuelled by a low Oxygen environment, where cells switch to Anaerobic respiration, from the normal Aerobic state (switching to sugar from Oxygen to preserve their life). This he found was the basis of Tumour formation.

Johanna Budwig, some years later, taking on Warburgs’ studies as a foundational point of reference, found that when the body’s cells lose 25% of their Oxygen perspiration ability, the terrain becomes such that tumour formation may follow. Budwig was the German Governments head of lipid research, a Laboratory Scientist not a Medical Doctor at that time. Budwig found that Flaxoil blended with Cottage Cheese/Quark was the optimal method of restoring Cellular function back the it’s Aerobic state, stating that the 18 Carbon Chain PUFAs of Flax to be the richest source of surplus Electrons.

Budwigs mixture was often referred to as a means of Oxygenating the blood.

Budwig began to apply her knowledge to those of stage 4 Cancers who Medicine had failed, miraculously bringing 10,000’s away from deaths door, with the application of some basic dietary changes. Budwig found herself on litigation charges repeatedly, for practicing medicine without license, she successfully defended her cases, eventually taking the decision to become Medically certified to avert such complications from the medical industrial complex.

Budwig also found the emotional aspect of Cancer to be profoundly important, stating the person must wish to be alive for any such change to work. She cited a case where a young boy was profoundly unwell, after his mother had passed, when her associates questioned the boy on his eating, he stated that when his step mother fed him breakfast, it tasted bad and made him feel unwell, yet the same food was given that his Mother had previously prepared him. The associates had dismissed this claim, however Budwig said it should not be, that previously it was found that his mother made the food for her child with love, the step mother with resentment or lack of care, showing the profound psychological nature of the human condition.

At a similar time to Budwig, Carey Reams was developing a method of returning the human body to energetic function, via testing the biological state of the person. Reams was no expert on Lipids, his expertise was in nurturing foods to yield optimal nutrition, via analysis of soil and crop, Biological farming. From Reams book a hugely important understanding was gleaned that Sugar and Oxygen share the same space in blood. This is a foundational aspect of diabetes and many other ailments to good health, sugar going high will always push the space for Oxygen down (hence the proven links between Psychosis and uncontrolled escalated sugars. Reams was fond of citing his Prize Watermelon, which won best in Category in a farmers fair two years running (the very same Watermelon, a year later was still the best! Because his High Brix, nutrient dense methodology, meant that his produce would simply very slowly petrify from loss of water, not rot).

Reams was drawn into a parallel form of human health to Budwig by a local Child, whose parents came to him as traditional medicinal doctors had failed to cure his illness and given up on him. Reams stated that he spent 3days in deep meditation and fasting, focused solely on what he may do to help the child, after 3days he came to an understanding of using his tools for soil and crop analysis to test multiple factors within the human body and use these readings to form a basis of what is optimal and what needs addressing to bring those biological markers back into a healthful state. Exactly like Budwig, Reams became a local phenomenon where 2 local Hospitals would send their lost cause cases to him. Almost identical to Budwig, he stabilised 10,000’s of people in the following years, leading to being taken to court for practicing medicine without license. Reams defended his cases by stating he was not practicing medicine (he had 2 Doctorates but chose to not become an AMA Dr instead maintained independence), he was analysing factors in the human body which were not needing a second optinion, biological markers, hence there was no need for a second opinion.

Back to the topic, when learning of Reams work, from those who had learned from Reams chiefly, the topic of Nitrogen came into focus. A crop consultant of Reams style, would repeatedly talk of NPN, or “Funny Proteins” as he would describe them.

Non-Protein Nitrogen, he would describe as plant proteins, which exist in under ripe or poorly developed plants, fruits, vegetables. This is immature proteins which were yet to fully synthesise their full animo acid chains, due to poor soil conditions and/or chiefly from being harvested under ripe. These crops, he stated repeatedly, yielded excessive Nitrogen within them, leading to Nitrite (potential) toxicity.

To explain this to those who lack the scientific background in Crop/Human Bio-Chemistry, he would explain that these poor crops lead to the body up taking excess Nitrogen, in the form of Nitrite, which is a chief player in lowered Oxygen status within the body. He would explain how plants yield Haemoglobin supportive substances (especially green leafy) such as Chlorophyll which is Magnesium at it’s centre, surrounded by a shell which is virtually chemically identical to Haemoglobin, so the body may use this readily to create this Heme with Magnesium being replaced by Iron (simple body alchemy), the Magnesium may then be used in ATP production (pertinent to this dynamic). The Haemoglobin is that which allows Oxygen to bind to it within the Bloodstream, and carry it into tissue, conversely, Methaemoglobin is it’s Oxygen uptake antagonised state (Fe3+ Ferric once Oxidised becomes Methemoglobin Vs Fe2+ Ferrous where normal Haemoglobin) the Iron is oxidised it becomes compromised.

Cursory research of the scientific literature, shows that issues with Methaemoglobin, induces Oxygen desaturation, Cyanosis, and is often Nitrogen driven (this is why Nitrogen levels in drinking water are controlled, though many companies sell mineral/spring water with levels way above that which is healthful).


The blood of those with good Oxygen saturation may be bright red, those with high Methaemoglobin may show blood which is brown with blueness. Showing this state in action. The blueness aspect is how humans may externally show that there is imbalance, blue lips, around the eyes blueness and brown circles.


Sadly, although they existed and were active research (and application of findings) Scientists at the very same timeframes, to my knowledge Reams and Budwig never communicated, though it seems certain Budwig was aware of Reams and talked of how “those who advocate Olive Oil are very unhelpful”, talking of this dynamic. Reams advocated light dinners of Salad with Olive Oil (showing his inferior understanding of lipid dynamics) to allow the digestion rest and ready itself for the following day, no protein rich foods later as the digestion of these uses more Oxygen, leaving potentially less as we sleep if the digestion is unfinished, circadian rhythm shows that the adrenals long for oxygen to repair and replenish from 11pm-1am giving credence to this thinking.

Conversely, Budwig lacked the deeper understanding of plant matter that Reams had, how high nutrient density played such a crucial role in that very same function of optimal Oxygen conductance and uptake in the human body. Both geniuses of which I am hardly qualified to talk of, let alone critique, so please know it is just a longing for the fuller picture to emerge from science which draws out these words, not negativity to either giant of nutritional healing.

So, it is easy to see, the inherent pitfalls of many modern techniques for returning to well being, given the excessive saturation of poor crops on the vegetable side, lacking nutrient density, being farmed for high yield, early, to allow cheap Supermarket produce which we all see is often rotting by the time you get them home. Likewise meats grown on these poor crops/lands, which pushes their tissue Oxygen saturations lower and heightens their Nitrate status for the consumer. On the lipid side, Flaxoil in most shops are not vitally fresh, seeds are old and pre-ground when Budwig said they should be fresh ground, soo much of our produce is coated in Oxygen antagonistic lipids.

Free Electrons. Budwig may have been on to something???

When it is discussed “who would your dream dinner party guests be” Reams and Budwig are always two of mine, if only they could have been locked in a room together for a few days, a broader pioneering truth would surely have emerged.

In Edit. Position Notes : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen%E2%80%93hemoglobin_dissociation_curve



Psychosis – Sugar, Omega3 and Constipation Care

Chooselife : In Edit

Life has exposed me to the tragic and devastating effects of Psychosis, both privately and professionally. During my time as a Support Worker, much first hand exposure to Psychosis has been part of the development path bestowed upon me.

These experiences lead to this topic and to seek White Paper evidence, which marries to the understanding which has been found. Which seems lacking by Healthcare Professionals generally, or ignored if understood.

Firstly, blood sugar, for several years, it seemed clear that severe Depression and Psychosis are Sugar fuelled, whether Hypoglycaemic driven depression, where the sugars are driven low for a prolonged period, or Hyperglycaemic where Sugars spike high, or worse spike and remain excessively high as seem in Psychosis.

The study below from 2002 is aptly linked as simply “Psychosis and Glucose” :

Assessment of independent effect of olanzapine and risperidone on risk of diabetes among patients with schizophrenia: population based nested case-control study

Rapid Response:

Glucose and psychosis

As Consultants in charge of Psychiatric Intensive care Units (PICU), we manage patients whose levels of arousal mean that they can not be managed on open acute psychiatric wards. All our patients have been compulsorily admitted under the terms of the Mental Health Act (England & Wales 1983). 

We continuously monitor their physical condition, and this includes longitudinal monitoring of glucose levels. In addition, we monitor mental state using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), which gives an indication of the severity of the symptoms.

We report results in patients who have given their written informed consent to the publication of anonymised data, and who have agreed to form part of a study – approved by our local research ethics committee – of personal predictors on outcome in the PICU.

In forty-seven admissions to PICU, the glucose levels (mean 6.19 mmol/l SD 3.72)correlate with the BPRS on admission. If we exclude people with diagnosed non-insulin dependent diabetes, there is a direct correlation between BPRS at day 14 of the current admission and glucose levels during the first 7 days of the current admission (mean 5.13 mmol/l SD 0.93; p<_0.003 pearson=”pearson” correlation=”correlation” _0.477.=”_0.477.” p=”p”/>Twenty three admissions were treated with olanzapine (mean dose 32.85mg/day: BPRS 102.56 SD 29.13); twenty four were treated with risperidone (mean dose 7.58mg/day: BPRS 95.62 SD 14.29). At day 14, there were twenty one remaining (BPRS 72.38 SD 28.35) on olanzapine and twenty one on risperidone (BPRS 77.19 SD 20.09).

People with acute psychosis are highly aroused, and elevated glucose is not surprising. However, we suggest that control of glucose levels may be an important element of control of psychosis, and that elevated glucose levels – acute or chronic – may occur as part of the underlying psychosis, independently of the antipsychotic medication.

Psychotic patients often refuse to have blood tests. This can mean that, unless one is persistent in request for a sample (by a finger prick if necessary), one may miss hyperglycaemia.

Confronted with a psychotic patient who has abnormal glucose levels, psychiatrists may be tempted to modify or discontinue the antipsychotic drug for fear of precipitating a diabetic emergency.

We suggest that, on the contrary, adequate control of psychosis and disturbed behaviour with antipsychotic drugs may be necessary to prevent glucose spiralling out of control.

In addition, Convit et al (2003 PNAS 100: 2019-2022) have shown that reduced glucose tolerance may be associated with poor memory performance and hippocampal atrophy in elderly people who are not demented.

Hippocampal atrophy has been reported in psychotic disorders. Such studies do not, in the main, report the blood glucose, but it may be that, again as part of the underlying condition, disordered glucose may be pivotal.

Moreover, as hyperglycaemia is associated with both disturbed behaviour and microvascular disease, it is important to control for glucose in any assessment of the putative causal relationship of medication and microvascular (including cerebrovascular) disease.

/End Study

The first client supported with Psychosis, would regularly seem (to me) to have incidents, after meals with high Potato content and/or Sugar, having unprompted outbreaks of screaming and attacking anybody near.

Now, reflections of clients supported, also leads me to consider the second link, that of constipation, though more broadly Bowel disturbance in general, much like sugar instability, appears to aggravate behaviours, in certain clients the mental and behavioural impact is devastating.

The Relation between Psychiatric Diagnoses and Constipation in Hospitalized Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study


Objective. Constipation is a prevalent problem in patients with psychiatric disorders; it reduces quality of life and may lead to severe complications.

The prevalence distribution of constipation across all psychiatric diagnoses in patients with severe mental illness (SMI) has hardly been studied. The aim of this study is to estimate the association between psychiatric disorders and constipation in SMI inpatients.

Methods. The strength of the association between constipation (based on use of laxatives) and DSM-IV psychiatric diagnosis was studied in a cross-sectional study with “adjustment disorders” as the reference group. The association was analyzed using logistic regression. 

Results. Of the 4728 patients, 20.3% had constipation. In the stratum of patients older than 60 years, all psychiatric categories except for substance related disorders were significantly associated with a higher prevalence of constipation (odds ratios ranging from 3.38 to 6.52), whereas no significant associations were found in the stratum of patients between 18 and 60 years (odds ratios ranging from 1.00 to 2.03). 

Conclusion. In the elderly, all measured psychiatric diagnoses are strongly associated with an increased prevalence of constipation. Physicians should be extra alert for constipation in SMI patients, independent of specific psychiatric diagnoses.

/End Study

Chooselife : It is my empirical experience that Bowel Movement(s) appear to have a huge impact on averting or avoiding incidents of Psychosis.

Dyspepsia and constipation in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders


Constipation and dyspepsia are disturbing gastrointestinal symptoms that are often ignored in research on physical comorbidities of schizophrenia. The aim was to assess dyspepsia and constipation in a sample of outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum psychoses.

A general practitioner performed a thorough physical health check for 275 outpatients and diagnosed constipation and dyspepsia. This study assessed the possible contribution of several sociodemographic, lifestyle, and clinical variables to constipation and dyspepsia using logistic regression analysis. This study also assessed whether these symptoms were associated with abnormal laboratory findings.

The prevalence of constipation was 31.3%, and of dyspepsia 23.6%. Paracetamol (OR =3.07, 95% CI =1.34-7.02) and clozapine use (OR =5.48, 95% CI =2.75-10.90), older age (OR =1.04, 95% CI =1.01-1.06), and living in sheltered housing (OR =2.49, 95% CI =1.16-5.33) were risk factors for constipation. For dyspepsia the risk factors were female sex (OR =2.10, 95% CI =1.15-3.83), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (OR =2.47, 95% CI =1.13-5.39), and diabetes medication (OR =2.42, 95% CI =1.12-5.25).

Patients with dyspepsia had lower haemoglobin and haematocrit and higher glucose values than those without dyspepsia.

Patients with constipation had lower thrombocyte values than patients without constipation.

However, these findings were explained by factors pre-disposing to constipation and dyspepsia.

Clozapine use markedly increases the risk of constipation and may lead to life-threatening complications. In addition, analgesics and diabetes medication were related to gastrointestinal symptoms. These medications and their association to gastrointestinal symptoms should be kept in mind when treating patients with schizophrenia.

/End study.

Beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in schizophrenia: possible mechanisms


Schizophrenia is a serious long-term psychotic disorder marked by positive and negative symptoms, severe behavioral problems and cognitive function deficits. The cause of this disorder is not completely clear, but is suggested to be multifactorial, involving both inherited and environmental factors. Since human brain regulates all behaviour, studies have focused on identifying changes in neurobiology and biochemistry of brain in schizophrenia. Brain is the most lipid rich organ (approximately 50% of brain dry weight). Total brain lipids is constituted of more than 60% of phospholipids, in which docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) is the most abundant (more than 40%) polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in brain membrane phospholipids. Results from numerous studies have shown significant decreases of PUFAs, in particular, DHA in peripheral blood (plasma and erythrocyte membranes) as well as brain of schizophrenia patients at different developmental phases of the disorder. PUFA deficiency has been associated to psychotic symptoms and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. These findings have led to a number of clinical trials examining whether dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation could improve the course of illness in patients with schizophrenia. Results are inconsistent. Some report beneficial whereas others show not effective. The discrepancy can be attributed to the heterogeneity of patient population.


In this review, results from recent experimental and clinical studies, which focus on illustrating the role of PUFAs in the development of schizophrenia were examined. The rationale why omega-3 supplementation was beneficial on symptoms (presented by subscales of the positive and negative symptom scale (PANSS), and cognitive functions in certain patients but not others was reviewed. The potential mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects were discussed.


Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation reduced the conversion rate to psychosis and improved both positive and negative symptoms and global functions in adolescents at ultra-high risk for psychosis. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation could also improve negative symptoms and global functions in the first-episode patients with schizophrenia, but improve mainly total or general PANSS subscales in chronic patients. Patients with low PUFA (particularly DHA) baseline in blood were more responsive to the omega-3 fatty acid intervention.


Omega-3 supplementation is more effective in reducing psychotic symptom severity in young adults or adolescents in the prodromal phase of schizophrenia who have low omega-3 baseline. Omega-3 supplementation was more effective in patients with low PUFA baseline. It suggests that patients with predefined lipid levels might benefit from lipid treatments, but more controlled clinical trials are warranted.

Omega-3 fatty acids in first-episode schizophrenia – a randomized controlled study of efficacy and relapse prevention (OFFER): rationale, design, and methods


Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) metabolism abnormalities have been long implicated in the etiology of schizophrenia. Although several randomized clinical trials have been carried out to assess the efficacy of omega-3 PUFA as add-on therapy in reducing psychopathology in populations of chronic patients with schizophrenia, only a few concern first-episode schizophrenia. The majority of these studies used a 12-week intervention based on ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid (ethyl-EPA), however, with conflicting results. An intervention based on docosahexaenoic acid plus EPA has not been used in first-episode schizophrenia studies so far. No add-on supplementation studies have been carried out in medicated first-episode schizophrenia patients to assess the efficacy of omega-3 PUFA in preventing relapses.


A randomized placebo-controlled one-center trial will be used to compare the efficacy of 26-week intervention, composed of either 1320 mg/day of EPA and 880 mg/day of DHA, or olive oil placebo with regard to symptom severity and relapse rate in first-episode schizophrenia patients. Eighty-two patients (aged 16–35) will be recruited for the study. Eligible patients will be randomly allocated to one of two intervention arms: an active arm or a placebo arm (olive oil). The primary outcome measure of the clinical evaluation is schizophrenia symptom severity measured by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Other outcomes include depressive symptoms, patient functioning and the level of insight. Correlates of change measured during the study will include structural brain changes, oxidative stress and defense, as well as neuroplasticity indicators. Metabolic syndrome components will also be assessed throughout the study.


By comparing 26-week administration of EPA + DHA or (placebo) olive oil as add-on therapy in reducing symptom severity and one-year relapse rate in patients with first episode schizophrenia, it is intended to provide new insights into the efficacy of omega-3 PUFA and correlates of change, and contribute to the improvement of mental health care for individuals suffering from schizophrenia.

Giving your internal Alchemy a helping hand

When reading Choose Life Or Death, it struck me how Carey Reams described the helpful nature of meal regularity. How the Liver is greatly helped by having very stable eating times, as the Liver/Pancreas may find this a great help, as it may learn or predict when certain Enzymes (et al) will be needed, so may prepare itself for the Alchemical needs on the body.

This is readily described, by Potato and many peoples tendency towards Hypoglycaemia when eating Potato. After some time it was realised, Johanna Budwig in her Protocol cited that 50grams of Potato boiled only was allowed, which seemed initially antagonistic to Reams, however, this is part of that same “routine” teaching, as outlined below.

Many people, myself included, are addicted to certain foods, Potato in this focus, is shown by the Linus Pauling Institute to break down into form almost identical to White Sugar. Being a long term Vegetarian myself, I was prone to having a large portion of chips (for example). Now in time, the body gains a muscle memory for this behaviour, often overshooting the Insulin creation, where even if you only have 50grams as Budwig allowed, the memory of previous large amounts of Potato are recalled by the Liver which sends large amounts of Enzymes to the Parncreas to produce excessive Insulin, or excess Amylase production.

Therefore, the body attempting to help the host, trigger’s Hypoglycaemia as it expects large amounts of Potato and drives the bodies blood sugar too low.

Many times, this creates a “Condition”, if we consult Medical types who do not view the broader dynamic of foods causing such instances.

The Linus Pauling studies, show that Potato stored cold or worse frozen exacerbates this dynamic of Potato being like White sugar as the Carbon chains are denatured.

When younger and not fully aware of this dynamic a co-worker avoided Potato completely and was clearly scared to have even 1 crisp in case this was triggered.

Go gently with your body and eating habits, the Alchemist(s) inside will thank you with feeling much better. If you have a long history of eating large amounts of something which makes you feel unwell after, consider this dynamic and be ready to help calm the body away from this state?

Smile, ‘it’s your choice.

Related : https://chooselife.co.uk/index.php/2019/05/23/carey-reams-1978-interview-with-acres-usa-on-hypoglycemia/


by Dr.Dave on Jan 5, 2016     

Americans are undeniably great consumers of added sugar. The average person’s intake is over 126 grams of sugar daily which is way too much. Sugar per se is not harmful but too much of it is detrimental to health. High sugar consumption has long been linked to weight gain, and the development of obesity and lifestyle diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. More recent studies show that sugar can also induce memory problems and neuroinflammation.

A study conducted at the University of Southern California (USC) revealed that intakse of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) at levels similar to those in commonly available sugary beverages can trigger memory problems and brain inflammation. In the study, adolescent rats consuming high quantities of HFCS were subsequently found to have impaired hippocampal-dependent spatial learning and memory when subjected to the Barne’s Maze test. Rats consuming a sucrose solution experienced moderate learning impairment. Adult rats given either HFCS or sucrose did not show any problems with spatial learning, glucose tolerance or neuroinflammatory markers. According to Scott Kanoski, one of the proponents of the research, the brain is vulnerable to dietary influences during critical periods of development, like adolescence. He further explained that a diet high in added sugar can not only cause weight gain and metabolic problems, but also impair brain function and cognitive ability.

This is supported by an earlier study at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) that tested the effects of fructose and omega-3 fatty acid consumption among rats. Two groups of rats were initially trained to find their way out of a maze. The results showed that long-term consumption of a high fructose diet by the rats negatively affected their cognitive function and ability to recall while omega 3 fatty acids were able to counteract those effects. After six weeks, the rats that consumed fructose forgot the previously learned escape route and developed signs of insulin resistance. The impaired learning and memory problems exhibited by this group of rats was attributed to insulin’s inability to regulate how cells use and store sugar.

Sucrose and high fructose corn syrup are liquid sweeteners often added to processed foods and common beverages such as soft drinks and juices. These added sugars are quickly absorbed in the blood where it lowers the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a substance known to influence the formation of new memories and regulate learning. Individuals with impaired glucose tolerance were found to have low levels of this chemical. Low levels of BDNF have also been associated with depression and dementia.

So before you drink your favorite juice or munch on a delectable dessert, remember that added sugars from such beverage and food items are likely culprits for health complications including poor memory and cognitive damage. Avoiding foods with added sugars will help you stay fit and keep your mind healthy.


  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/02/05/where-people-around-the-world-eat-the-most-sugar-and-fat/
  2. http://www.worldhealth.net/news/sugar-triggers-memory-problems-and-neuroinflammati/
  3. http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/this-is-your-brain-on-sugar-ucla-233992
  4. http://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddisalvo/2012/04/01/what-eating-too-much-sugar-does-to-your-brain/
  5. http://www.besthealthnutritionals.com/blog/2014/07/22/eating-sweets-can-rot-your-brain/
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2683174/Is-SUGAR-responsible-rising-dementia-cases-High-levels-glucose-cause-memory-loss-study-finds.html
  7. https://pressroom.usc.edu/sugar-linked-to-memory-problems-in-adolescent-rats/
  8. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/neuronarrative/201204/what-eating-too-much-sugar-does-your-brain


Back To Front – What came first, the sugar problem, or the depression?

ChooseLife : It is clear to me, that those on higher sugars are more prone to mental health disorders – Sugar intake – Whitehall Study/ Therefore, it is almost certain, that those needing antidepressants, will be more likely to also be closer to diabetes/sugar dis-regulation, than those on lower simple sugar diets, higher magnesium/greens/Omega3 et al.

Oxygen and sugar share the same space in blood, hence, when that blood is also being shared with a growing baby, as is the focus below, it is no wonder that struggle for space may become more fragile and a narrower range can be tolerated.

BMJ Study:

Antidepressant use during pregnancy and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a nested case–control study

The following article reflects on this situation and has a give away snippet, which shows the culprit in the piece (ChooseLife’s opinion):

Antidepressants linked to higher gestational diabetes risk

” Gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy in women, can increase the risk of certain complications for both the mother and baby, including risks of high blood pressure for the expectant mother, needing a cesarean section delivery, having low blood sugar for the baby and developing type 2 diabetes later in life for the baby.

After analyzing that data and taking a close look at antidepressant exposure, the researchers found that specifically venlafaxine and amitriptyline were associated with a 27% and 52% increased risk of gestational diabetes.

While the risk was greatest for those two antidepressants, the researchers also found that gestational diabetes risk increased with the longer any antidepressant was taken.”

ChooseLife : If only these people of science were allowed to put 2 and 2 together. The use of Antidepressants is almost certainly a sign of longer term sugar problems, which turn everyday struggles into unbearable burdens, to unfortunate individuals with less robust Liver and/or Pancreatic function. Prolonged Low Blood Sugar/Hypoglycemia is a precursive condition to Diabetes, known to cause Mental Health dysfunction.

Sugar intake from sweet food and beverages, common mental disorder and depression: prospective findings from the Whitehall II study

Anika KnüppelMartin J. ShipleyClare H. Llewellyn, and Eric J. Brunner

Intake of sweet food, beverages and added sugars has been linked with depressive symptoms in several populations. Aim of this study was to investigate systematically cross-sectional and prospective associations between sweet food/beverage intake, common mental disorder (CMD) and depression and to examine the role of reverse causation (influence of mood on intake) as potential explanation for the observed linkage. We analysed repeated measures (23,245 person-observations) from the Whitehall II study using random effects regression.

Diet was assessed using food frequency questionnaires, mood using validated questionnaires. Cross-sectional analyses showed positive associations.

In prospective analyses, men in the highest tertile of sugar intake from sweet food/beverages had a 23% increased odds of incident CMD after 5 years (95% CI: 1.02, 1.48) independent of health behaviours, socio-demographic and diet-related factors, adiposity and other diseases.

The odds of recurrent depression were increased in the highest tertile for both sexes, but not statistically significant when diet-related factors were included in the model (OR 1.47; 95% CI: 0.98, 2.22). Neither CMD nor depression predicted intake changes.

Our research confirms an adverse effect of sugar intake from sweet food/beverage on long-term psychological health and suggests that lower intake of sugar may be associated with better psychological health.


Published Online : July 27th 2017

ChooseLife : This is the beginning post in a research stream I will undertake, to demonstrate the multi faceted path of destruction simple sugars may wreak, on susceptible individuals mental and physical health. Many years ago I read Moreless responding to a question on the general cause of Depression, just four words, which at the time did not click for me, but does now “prolonged low blood sugar“, the thought streams back to Carey Reams exceptional interview on Blood Sugars available here = Dr Carey Reams Interview on Hypoglycemia