The Curse Causeless Shall Not Come


This author may very well go to jail for disclosing the facts contained in this booklet. You will read about a very serious subject: Cancer.

What you will read is the First Person account of how this author was cured of a malignant cancer of the descending colon by a simple dietary procedure. It is expected that this very book will be used against this author to establish legally the fact that he is practicing medicine without a license. He may be ordered by some Court to discontinue the future distribution of this book. Why? Cancer treatment, dear reader, is a major part of the multi-bill ion- dollar drug industry. You are being told, and it is now being subtly suggested to you by the many doctor type TV shows, that the American Cancer Society and the American Medical Association are leaving no stones unturned in an all out effort to “find the cause of cancer.” But at the very same time, every possible force and pressure is being applied to prevent doctors from using known and effective cancer cures. Instead, they are only permitted, by AMA agreement and government coercion through the Federal Food and Drug Administration, to treat cancer by means that they know are futile: Chemotherapy, cobalt radiation, and finally, the delaying tactic of surgery. Perhaps you think this is strong language! If the author dared, it would be even stronger: MURDER ONE.

The author’s grandfather died of colon cancer. The author’s father died of a cancer-related heart attack. His sister has cancer and has taken the Medical approach and is currently suffering from a series of unnecessary operations as her cancer strikes in first one place and then the other. None of these cancer victims were ever told by their Marcus Welby-type doctors that there are alternative choices; that there are valid and effective cancer cures that do not involve such radical surgery, expensive drugs and radiation. Any doctor who happens to stumble upon an effective treatment, or who develops one after years of research, may well be thrown into jail, harassed by the Courts in AMA initiated lawsuits, or driven out of the country.

It is widely known that cancer can be cured in Mexico, but unfortunately by the time the average cancer patient learns of such treatment, if indeed he ever does, the practitioners of the AMA have taken the last of his savings and insurance. With no money left, the patient is found to be “terminal” and sent home to die. For whatever good it may accomplish, and on behalf of the pitiful cancer patients now longing for the relief of death, this booklet is being published.

Nord W. Davis, Jr.

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